Important Stuff

Nothing going on here... as you were...

It's Monday but not quite

 Monday 6 September 2010

So you may have already noticed that this *isn't* my usual What are you Reading? post that I do on Mondays and I'll explain why I'm not doing it today.

Until last night I had read NOTHING in the past week. I kid you not. Until I finished the 2nd Gallagher Girl book in the wee hours of this morning I had not finished a book since the 30th of August and for me that is downright outrageous.

Due to being in London I also didn't get any more reviews done after I posted my review of the amazing book Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma on Tuesday.

I'm *Still* reading The Alchemist's Daughter by Katherine McMahon, I am enjoying it although for some inexplicable reason it's taken me nearly a month to get close to finish the damn thing. I'm hoping to finally get through it by the end of this week and then see how long it takes me to churn out a review.

So there you see that there is not enough stuff to make it worth doing a normal IMWAYR post so y'all will have to make do with this concise version. Next week should be better as I have several library books that I need to read and return.

Yay for Mondays, boo for reading slumps


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