Important Stuff

Nothing going on here... as you were...

Queen of the Crappy Bloggers

 Friday, 18 September 2015

This is going to come as no surprise to anyone who might have followed this blog for a long time.

I am awful at keeping up with blogging.

To anyone who stumbles across this blog randomly or if they click through from either my Twitter or my Youtube channel, I must seem like such a disappointment when they see that the last fucking post I did was in JANUARY.

I am on twitter constantly talking about books and writing. Like you have to cleave me from my phone to stop me checking my feed multiple times a minute. I flail over books I've read, and this year I have read a *lot* of books, not quite at 2010-Rachel level but I've probably almost hit my Goodreads challenge target (another thing I have not updated in months).

Yet you never see anything resembling a review from me. And that's so crap. I have such in-depth discussions about books with my friends on Twitter that it seems insane that I don't formulate these thoughts into posts that other people can find and read months after the fact.

So I'm gonna give this blogging malarkey another go. I have a lot of bookish stuff to talk about from the year so far plus several fantastic books that I have read recently which have literally taken over my brain for weeks.

I'm armed with a list of ideas so let's see how this ship fares. She's a bit rickety but she might still sail.

Bear with me folks


Sophie Houghton 18 September 2015 at 20:36  

Welcome back! I can't wait to see all of your ideas :)

Lover Of Romance 19 September 2015 at 10:51  

Hope you have a blast blogging again!! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store.

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