Writing Ray - Camp Nanowrimo The Final Stretch
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
I started this post on Sunday but as is often expected I got terribly sidetracked and since I spent most of the weekend worrying about my uncle I didn't get that much writing done anyway. But now that there is positive progress in that quarter I was able to chill enough to the point that I could write my socks off last night.
If you were on Twitter late last night you may have noticed that I went a little mad and decided to attempt to hit my Camp Nano goal before I went to bed. I only had around 1200 words to do so I thought in the 4 hours I had it would be a piece of piss. Not quite so easy but I did it nevertheless. That's right folks at around 12:07am this morning I wrote my 15,000th word on my novel and validated it to win my first Camp Nano!
Ironically enough when I copied and pasted my Camp work in the website's validator it actually came out saying I had 15,001 words which is enough to make one twitch and write another 99 words to have a round number back.
I do still have two days to write more if I fancy, and I might do some since I reckon I am only one or two scenes from the end of book one. I will still need to go back and do the first 15K of the book and fill in the missing 10-15K from round the middle but that is gonna be the task for between April and July's Camp.
I'm hoping to maybe have the first full draft finished over the summer so I can have a go at editing it and hell I may try and write some of the second book during November's Nanowrimo! I'm hoping to start an Open University Creative Writing module in October so I may sneakily use my novel for some of the TMAs if I can. Or simply use what I learn from the module to help my writing in general.
All in all April has been a fairly productive month, in terms of actual numbers maybe not more productive than January through March since I was less stressed about it so didn't worry about the word count so much. But still 15K is all good stuff and some of these scenes are damn important and I hope that much of it will survive to make the final draft.
Depending on what extra writing I get done over the next two days I may do a last Camp Nano post but otherwise stay tuned for my April reading round-up probably on Friday since on Thursday Jess and I are going to see FREAKING LAINI TAYLOR Y'ALL!! *flails*. That will be a post in itself since I hope to get pics of the lady herself and of all the fun shenanigans we'll have plus it's likely there will be a haul of some sort *shrugs* y'know what book bloggers are like when they get together...
But anyways have a good evening